"Through education, all things are possible."
Welcome to the Cosmic Campus!
Have you written a paper on astronomy, planetary science, women in astronomy? Would you like to share it with our readers? Shelby Cook, a 10th grade student, did and the professional astronomers loved it!
If you would like to publish your work here, send me an email at webmaster@womanastronomer.com.
In the Fall of 1996 at the age of 40, I returned to school as a "non-traditional" student. Since beginning this venture, my interest has always been in astronomy, and whenever possible, I looked for the astronomical slant of my classes, regardless of the discipline. Here are a few selections of my work, along with Shelby's. I hope you will consider adding your work to the Cosmic Campus. Enjoy!
Website Review: theWoman Astronomer. 9.20.07, by Kathryn Piorkowski. Kathy wrote a review of this web site for a "Women in Science" class. Her professor, Dr. Lesley Rigg, said "fantastic site" and, more importanly, Kathy earned full credit on her assignment!
Pluto's Demotion. 6.21.07, by Shelby Cook. An essay on Pluto's change in status from one of nine planets in the solar system to a dwarf planet. This month, July 2007, we have a special contributor to the Cosmic Campus. Her name is Shelby Cook, a 10th grade student who asked for our help with her project.
Astronomy in the Southwest: from petroglyphs to telescopes. 11.29.05, by Debra L. Davis. The story of astronomy in the desert southwest is an old one, dating back thousands of years, and sacred. Today astronomy is part of the desert's future.
The Harvard Computers: from Pickering's Harem to Astronomy's Stars. 5.2.05, by Debra L. Davis. Edwin Pickering opened forbidden doors to women astronomers. Their discoveries changed the way we look at stars and the scale of the Universe.
NEW Star Party. 4.25.05, by Debra L. Davis. As every astronomer knows, a "star party" is not a social gathering of Hollywood's glitzy A-list. Written for a creative non-fiction writing class, in this essay I share my first star party experience, and a little bit more.
Crescent Moon and Star: a symbol of Supernova 1054? 3.1.05, by Debra L. Davis. This paper explores the possibility that flags from Islam may record the beginnings of the Crab Nebula.
Women of the Moon. 9.30.04, by Debra L. Davis. This semester, Fall 2004, I am taking an independent study class at the University of Arizona. I am working with Dr. Don McCarthy, an astronomer and professor at the UofA. My project for this class is to develop a program that will encourage girls to become involved in astronomy.
Comparison of Impact Craters on Europa and Mars. 12.8.03, by Debra L. Davis. The surface of Mars is very old; Europa's is very young. What do these two planetary bodies have in common?
Ancient Astronomies, 11.12.96, by Debra L. Davis. In this first installment of the Cosmic Campus, I thought it would be appropriate to post my first paper from my first class at Arapahoe Community College. The class was Cultural Anthropology and my paper was on archeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy.