Comparison of
Impact Craters on Europa and Mars
by Debra L. Davis
Impact cratering is a cataclysmic process that occurs on every body throughout the Solar System. The effect it has on
each body, however, is not the same. There are many factors to be considered when studying craters on a planet. There is the type
of impactor, as well as the characteristics of the planet that is impacted. In this paper, similarities and differences of
craters on Mars and Europa are discussed. Introduction
Europa is a prime candidate for the possibility of life in its sub-surface ocean. Mars is also a candidate for microbial
life. They are both planets that warrant further research as humans venture out into the Solar System. Before those first
steps on another planet are taken by humans, however, a better understanding needs to be obtained, as was the case with
the Apollo program in the early 1960s.
Though all planets experience geologic processes, not all of those processes occur on all planets. One process, however,
does. That process is impact by comets or asteroids which leave scars on the terrain in the form of craters.
Methods The method used in this report was meta-analysis
of previous studies of craters on Europa and Mars. A visual comparison was made of types of craters, such as simple and
complex craters, as well as impactor populations. Some images were processed to enhance visual comparison using Image J
No original research such as data collection, other than reading journals and articles, was conducted for this project.
Europa and Mars Compared Europa is less than half the size of
Mars, being closer in size to Earth’s moon. The reason these two planets were chosen for comparison in this paper is due
to similarities in crater structures, most notably lobate ejecta features. On Mars, these features are thought to be an
indication of a sub-surface layer of permafrost. On Europa, it is believed that there is a sub-surface ocean under a layer
of ice. Though these two planets are of different size and composition, it is of interest to survey craters on these two
bodies because of the possible presence of water at depth, a liquid ocean for Europa and a permafrost layer for Mars.
Some basic characteristics for both planets are as follows. Of interest is the similar density of each planet.
Ganymede and Callisto, in comparison, have an average density of 1.9 g/cm -3 and 1.8 g cm-3, respectively.
Radius (km)
Mass (kg)
~4.8 x 10 22 |
~6.4 x 10 23 |
Density (g cm
-3) |
Gravity (m s
-2) |
Escape Velocity (km s
-1) |
Impactor Population
Both planets, undoubtedly, were heavily impacted during the early development of the Solar System, as well as the period
of late heavy bombardment approximately 4 billion years ago. On Europa, however, due to the relatively young surface age,
there is no remaining record of these impacts.
The impact populations on Europa and Mars are currently thought to be of different origins. Impactors on Europa are
cometary and “generally thought to originate in the Kuiper Belt” and those on Mars are believed to originate from the Main
Asteroid Belt. Though there may be craters formed by cometary origin on Mars, most impacts are believed to be dominated by
A kilometer sized object will make a crater of approximately 20 kilometers in diameter. As of
the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM), there are only seven craters on Europa that are in excess of 20 kilometers. This
contrasts greatly with Mars where large impact craters number in the hundreds and basins are found well in excess of 1,000
km, such as the Argyre (image on the right) and Hellas Basins. Impacts which create craters in the 20 kilometer size are
thought to occur on a timescale of approximately 1.4 million years. Based on this information, the surface of Europa would
be less than 10 million years old, though no older than 100 million years old.
Most small craters on Europa are thought to be secondary craters, ejecta from larger events, however, “trojan asteroids”
may contribute to the population of small craters.
Due to the different origins of the population of impactors on Europa and Mars, and the young surface age of Europa
compared to the much older age of Mars, it is difficult to relate cratering rates for these two planets. Crater Morphologies
The final crater created by an impact event is dependent on many factors, including, but not limited to, the type of
impactor (e.g., comet, asteroid), impact velocity, impact angle, and the target material.
There are three main types of crater morphologies that are found on all planets. They are:
Simple craters having smooth bowl shapes |
Complex craters with level floors, central peaks and
terraced walls |
Multi-ring basins with peaks in concentric rings on
a flat floor |
Due to the different characteristics of Europa and Mars, there are differences to
be found in crater morphology. The most noticeable difference is the relaxed nature or lower topography of features on
Europa. Craters on Europa in excess of 30 kilometers, notably Callanish and Tyre, have no crater rims or central uplifts
and are instead surrounded by “concentric troughs and ridges” which may indicate a “fundamental change in the properties
of Europa’s icy crust at increasing depths.”
Europa’s crater morphology even differs from that of the other two icy Galilean satellites, Ganymede and Callisto, perhaps
due to its thinner ice shell. Europa’s ice shell is thought to be no less than 4 kilometers thick, and possibly as thick
as 25 kilometers. In comparison, the ice shells of Ganymede and Callisto are thought to be between 100-200 kilometers
One similarity between craters found on Europa and Mars are the lobate appearance of ejecta found surrounding some craters.
On Mars, this ejecta structure has been studied in depth and is believed to be melting of a layer of sub-surface
permafrost. There are single-lobed and double-lobed ejecta, as well as multiple-lobed and pancake-shaped ejecta. As cited
by Strom (1992) from a source by Mouginis-Mark in 1979, some general conclusions for lobate ejecta surrounding Martian
craters have been determined. It was found that:
Single-lobe ejecta generally occurs in craters less
than 20 kilometers in diameter. |
Double-lobe ejecta occurs in craters greater than 30
kilometers. |
Multiple-lobe ejecta occurs in crater diameters
larger than 10 kilometers and frequently in craters greater than 50 kilometers. |
Pancake-shaped ejecta occurs in craters less than 8
kilometers. |
There are examples of lobate ejecta surrounding craters found on Europa, such as
that seen surrounding Manannàn, a ~22 kilometer crater found at 3 °N 240°W. Upon examining additional crater images of Europa,
but not available for reprint in this paper, a very distinctly lobate ejecta surrounds a 13.5 kilometer crater tentatively
named Grainne, found at -60°N 95°W. One observation upon examining craters on Europa and Mars with lobate ejecta is the size of the feature. On
Mars, these features extend from the crater rim from a range of approximately one radius, as seen in a 7 kilometer crater
located at about 22 °N 32°W, to over four diameters seen in an 18 kilometer crater with pancake-shaped ejecta located in the Oxia Palus Ut
area. These features, as observed for Europa, appear to be less than one diameter from the crater. Simple Craters
Small craters are those with diameters less than 4 kilometers and the “classic”
bowl shape (image on right). This class of crater is “probably a mixture of primary, secondary, and endogenic craters.
This class of craters is found in abundance on Mars. On Europa, however, they are far less numerous, probably due to the
much younger age of Europa’s surface
On Mars, simple craters originate from the above described mixture. On Europa, however, they are believed to be mostly
secondaries, based on “the steepness of the average differential power-law slope (-4.2) of the small-crater size
distribution.” Bierhaus et. al. (2001) indicates that “the amount of mass ejected by Pwyll and the other large
craters on Europa is potentially enough to create the majority of the small crater population via the secondary cratering
On Mars, particularly in the southern highlands, the number of small craters may reach saturation levels. “One of the
central issues concerning saturation is whether the heavily cratered terrains of the terrestrial planets essentially
display a production crater population or whether the production function has been changed by attaining saturation.”
On both planets, secondary craters are seen in ray systems from larger impacts. An example on Europa of such secondaries
can be seen in the Conamar Chaos region where a ray from Pwyll crater located 1000 kilometers to the south has deposited
debris. Such a “high” concentration of small craters, as seen in this area, is unusual for Europa. This high concentration
is probably due to the relative young age of Pwyll.
On Europa, though they may not be associated with any visible ray system, “many small craters appear in clusters or
clumps,” instead of a random distribution and are, therefore, thought to be secondary in nature. Complex Craters
To date, there are only 28 large craters seen on Europa. Of this number, 14 are less than 10 kilometers in diameter; seven
are between 10 to 20 kilometers in diameter; and seven more are greater than 20 kilometers in diameter, with Tyre being
the largest at approximately 43 kilometers. Mars, in comparison, has hundreds of large craters, some of them to the scale
of being a basin, such as Argyre Basin at over 1,000 kilometers and Borealis at well over 7,000 kilometers in
As defined earlier, complex craters typically have central peaks on level floors and terraced walls. Complex craters on
Mars fit this description. Though complex craters on Europa also fit this description, they are much more “relaxed” than
similar sized features found on Mars. On Europa, topographic features are mere meters compared to kilometers on Mars. This
relaxation is due to the elastic nature of its surface ice layer.
The transition from simple to complex craters on Europa is approximately 5 kilometers. On Mars, the transition occurs at
8-10 kilometers.
The large crater population on Europa is sparse compared to its sister planets, Ganymede and Callisto. It would stand to
reason that cratering rates would be fairly uniform for the Galilean planets. This difference in cratering populations is
probably due to Europa’s relatively young surface age and shallow ice layer, as compared to Ganymede and Callisto.
Pwyll, located at -23 °N 137°W, (image below) at a diameter of
approximately 24 kilometers, is the youngest large impact on Europa. This is evidenced by its expansive ray system which is
visible in excess of 1,000 kilometers from the crater. It is believed to be 18 million years old or younger. Tyre,
located at 34 °N 146°W,
is almost twice as large as Pwyll at approximately 43 kilometers in diameter and has a much different appearance. It has a
central feature approximately 15-20 kilometers in diameter and is relatively flat. It has no distinct crater rim. The crater
is then encircled by concentric troughs and ridges which radiate to a distance in excess of 100 kilometers. Another crater of
similar size, Callanish, located at -16°N 334°W, has a similar appearance. One hypothesis for the appearance of these craters
is that they “penetrated through an icy crust into a less brittle layer.” Discussion The low number of craters seen on Europa will make accurate
dating of the planet difficult. “There are too few large craters (>10 km) on Europa to provide statistically meaningful
crater density and age information on geological units, making a better understanding of the small crater population vital
to surface age calculations. If secondary craters were mistakenly interpreted as primary craters, then the derived surface
age would be greatly overestimated.” This small population of craters, both large and small, also has implications for
understanding the impactor population on Europa, as well as the possibility of a liquid ocean. Conclusion While researching this paper, it became apparent that there
was a vast amount written about cratering on both Mars and Europa, as well as cratering in general. It was difficult to
distinguish what would be of benefit and what was repetitious. Hence, I was overloaded with data and unsure in what
direction to take this paper. In retrospect, I believe a paper that focused entirely on lobate ejecta would have been more
productive, as well as original research and data collection on these interesting features.
What was apparent is that there is still a lot more work to be done regarding craters. As more spacecraft venture further
out into the Solar System, there will be new sights to see and new insights into old problems. I, personally, will be on
the lookout for more research on lobate ejecta around craters on Europa and Mars.

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