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"It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, 
but it is somewhat beauty and poetry." 
Maria Mitchell, on science

If you're looking for a link on a woman astronomer, you've come to the right place. (If you don't find what you're looking for, please email  webmaster@womanastronomer.com.)

Women Astronomers

bullet Historical
bullet Hypatia
bullet Maria Mitchell
bullet Mary Somerville
bullet Current
bullet Eileen Collins
bullet Debra Fischer
bullet Dorrit Hoffleit
bullet Sally Ride
bullet Carolyn Shoemaker
bullet Lists with lots of women astronomers
bullet 4000 Years of Women in Science
bullet American Astronomical Society/Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy Database
bullet Astronomical Society of the Pacific - History of Women in Astronomy
bullet Barry's History of Women in Astronomy
bullet Distinguished Women of Past and Present
bullet National Women's Hall of Fame
bullet United States Naval Observatory - Contributions of Women to the USNO
bullet Women in Astronomy: An Introductory Resource Guide
bullet Organizations
bullet American Astronomical Society's Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy
bullet Women of NASA
bullet Women in Science
bullet Miscellaneous Sites
bullet Astra's Star Gate
bullet Astronomy for Everyone
bullet Henrietta Leavitt Flat Screen Space Theater

Astronomy Organizations

bullet Societies
bullet Astronomical Society of the Pacific
bullet Coconino Astronomical Society
bullet Denver Astronomical Society
bullet Mars Society
bullet Planetary Society
bullet Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association
bullet Government
bullet NASA
bullet USGS Astrogeological Division
bullet JPL
bullet Miscellaneous
bullet American Association of Variable Star Observers
bullet Astronomical League
bullet Hypatia Institute
bullet International Dark-Sky Association
bullet Telescopes in Education


bullet Lowell Observatory
bullet Maria Mitchell Observatory

Our Advertisers

bullet Astronomical Society of the Pacific
bullet AstroSystems
bullet S&S Optika
bullet Sky & Telescope
bullet SkyShed Observatories
bullet Software Bisque

Astronomy Publications

bullet The two big ones
bullet Astronomy
bullet Sky & Telescope

Miscellaneous Sites

bullet Astronomy Technology Today
bullet Astronomy-Mall.com
bullet Compact Precision Telescope
bullet 1stBase Mounts
bullet Lets Talk Stars
bullet Seeing in the Dark
bullet Phoenix Travel
bullet Space.com

To add or update a link on this page, please send an email to webmaster@womanastronomer.com


Updated 17.10.2023
theWoman Astronomer © 2001-2025

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