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Women of the Moon Overview

This semester, Fall 2004, I am taking an independent study class at the University of Arizona. I am working with Dr. Don McCarthy, an astronomer and professor at the UofA. His areas of interest include brown dwarfs, adaptive optics, instrumentation, infrared astronomy, education, solar system, and interferometry. He is also involved with the University of Arizona Alumni Association Astronomy Camp. It is a real privilege to be working with him.

My project for this class is to develop a program that will encourage girls to become involved in astronomy. It is a three-phase project, with a final phase to recognize your accomplishment. Click on the link below for each section:

bullet Women of the Moon Phase I - This section teaches about the women who have craters named after them because of their contributions to humanity. By completing this section, you will learn about craters on the Moon and how to read lunar maps. There's also a fun puzzle to do.
bullet Women of the Moon Phase II - In this section, craters are studied using the Map-A-Planet Web site.
bullet Women of the Moon Phase III - This section will introduce actual observation of the Moon. 
bullet Women of the Moon Phase IV - This is the final phase of this project. Upon completion of the first three phases, send in the requested materials and you will receive a nice certificate. You will also be listed on this Web site to celebrate your accomplishment.

I chose the Moon as the foundation for this program because of an article I wrote in the Winter 1997 issue of theWoman Astronomer newsletter. The Moon is accessible to everyone, all you have to do is look up in the night sky. 

Though humans have not walked on the Moon in over 30 years, with the new "Vision of Space," humans may return to our nearest neighbor within our lifetimes. These are very exciting times, and we need to get our youth excited, especially the girls.


Updated 17.10.2023
theWoman Astronomer © 2001-2025

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