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The Princeton Report

On May 22, 2003, a 40 page report was submitted to Shirley Tilghman, president of Princeton University, titled Report of the Task Force on the Status of Women Faculty in the Natural Sciences and Engineering at Princeton.

This report was the result of a task force charged by Tilghman to develop "a long term strategy to attract and retain highly talented women faculty in the Natural Sciences and Engineering departments at Princeton." The goals of the task force included:

bullet Fulfill educational mission of undergraduates and graduate students
bullet Increase ability to recruit top graduate students and postdoctoral fellows
bullet Improve the climate for women faculty already at Princeton
bullet Because it's the right thing to do!

The task force surveyed three departments: physical sciences, including astrophysics and math; life sciences; and engineering. Areas that were surveyed included hiring and promotion, the "two-body" problem, distribution of resources, and the climate within departments.

The data collected by the task force shows the need for efforts to increase the number of women in their ranks. In 2002, women  represented only 10% of the total number of faculty in the physical sciences.

Recommendations by the task force include:

bullet Hire more women!
bullet Name a liaison between natural science and engineering departments and the administration
bullet Make Princeton more family-friendly
bullet Improve department policies and practices
bullet Ensure compensation and resource allocation is equitable

To read the entire report, click here.


Updated 17.10.2023
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