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"Be bold and own your power!"
Debra L. Davis

Based on my own informal survey of astronomy clubs, I've found that the disparity of women to men amateur astronomers is even greater than in the professional realm. Most club memberships are about 10-15% women. (If your local club has a higher percentage, I'd love to hear about it, as well as what you've done to be so exceptional!)

There are a lot of wonderful women out there that have a love of the sky, though many are isolated. I've received a number of emails from women amateur astronomers saying they no longer feel like they are alone because of this Web site. This section of theWoman Astronomer is dedicated to these incredible women.

Here you will find stories of amateur women astronomers who share their passion and experiences in pursuit of the night sky.

bullet Alice Villa-Real - Manila, Philippines


Updated 17.10.2023
theWoman Astronomer © 2001-2025

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