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Letter from the Editor

This is the fourth issue of the first year of publication. In the premier issue of the theWoman Astronomer (Summer 1997) I talked about the adventurous journey putting such a publication together would be. And what a journey it has been! It's not been easy and, regrettably, not always on time. There have been late nights, frantic research, and all out scrambling for material. But it's been worth it; it's been fun and educational for me. And I hope for you as well.

Maybe you have learned some astronomy by reading this publication. Perhaps you now know a little more about a few of the inspiring women that have contributed to the science. Possibly you could relate to other women amateur astronomers and the experiences they have shared. And hopefully you will continue to support this publication.

One way you can do that is, of course, to continue subscribing and to share with those which may find this publication of interest. And, you can show your support by patronizing our advertisers, whose dollars are what makes the printing of this publication possible.

Another way you can support theWoman Astronomer is sharing your own experiences as an astronomer, professional or amateur, or by sharing your favorite aspect of astronomy, whether in the solar system or the deep sky; or share your most memorable observing experience or your favorite observing site. The possibilities are out of this would, and we'd like to publish them.

Everyone has a story to tell, and stories are best when they are shared. So get your pen and paper out, or fire up your computer. Tell us your story, we'd love to read it.

Debra L. Davis


Updated 17.10.2023
theWoman Astronomer © 2001-2025

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