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Letter from the Editor

Perhaps one of the best things about doing this publication is all that I'm learning with each article I read, edit, or write. With each issue that I put together, invariably, I have at least a dozen books surrounding me to verify the information presented, and to find out a little more about each particular subject. It is my hope that this publication offers something interest to you, our readers.

It is also my hope that you will take advantage of the "additional reading" section provided in each issue. There's a lot of great stuff out there, too much to be included here. I encourage you to check out some of the books. I also invite you to let me know of any books that you find interesting. My education is far from complete.

Another aspect of this publication that I particularly enjoy is the wide variety of people that I come in contact with, foremost, our readers and advertisers. Without them, this publication would not be possible. (Please support theWoman Astronomer and buy from our advertisers.) I personally now that they have some great products, and they have been very helpful with articles and graphics. I would be lost without their expertise.

Speaking of which, I've also had the pleasure of speaking with members of the professional astronomy community. Their help has been invaluable. Though I don't always understand what they are balking about, bit by bit, I'm learning more. That's the thing about astronomy, there is so much to it and such varied aspects of it. That's what I love about astronomy, there is always something new to learn.

So please, keep those letters and articles coming. Help with my education, as I hope this publication is, in some small way, educating you. Let me know what you want to read about, know more about. The theWoman Astronomer is very close to my heart, it's all for you.

Debra L. Davis


Updated 17.10.2023
theWoman Astronomer © 2001-2025

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