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"Women hold up half the sky!"
Chinese Proverb

Interview with 
Dr. Debra Fischer, Planet-Hunter

Dr. Debra Fischer began hunting planets orbiting around other stars as a graduate student and recently was featured in the PBS film, "Seeing in the Dark." She answers a few questions about her research and her life as a woman astronomer. 

Cosmic Campus

Star Party
by Debra L. Davis

As every astronomer knows, a "star party" is not a social gathering of Hollywood's glitzy A-list. Written for a creative non-fiction writing class, in this essay I share my first star party experience, and a little bit more.

Science Educators Under the Stars: Amateur Astronomers Engaged in Education and Public Outreach
A new book from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
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Astronomy Magazine

Antonia Maury: A Spectral Star
She was a willful woman, determined to have her name published on her research. She further defined spectral classes of stars, enabling Hertzsprung to identify dwarf and giant stars.

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 StarStone Designs!

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Cosmic Campus 
Have you written a paper on astronomy, planetary science, women in astronomy? Would you like to share it with our readers? Shelby Cook, a 10th grade student, did and the professional astronomers loved it!
Woman Astronomer Wanted
Listings of available positions for astronomers, and related fields, from the newsletters of the AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy. 

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Other Updated Pages
bullet Women Astronomers
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bullet Debra Fischer
bullet Woman Astronomer Wanted
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bullet Newsletter, October 2007
bullet Cosmic Campus
bullet Website Review: theWoman Astronomer
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Updated 17.10.2023
theWoman Astronomer © 2001-2024

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